Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

The Textualization of Identity in Peter Greeaway’s Cinema. A Semiotic Analysis of The Pillow Book (1996)


This paper aims to reassess Peter Greenaway’s filmography, in particular his acclaimed 1996 motion picture The Pillow Book, as a lucid reflection on the postmodern problem of textualized identities. By means of a thorough analysis of the sophisticated narrative, intertextual and aesthetical devices used in this film, this study identifies and interprets for the first time some particularly relevant visual clues, which give proof of a surprising depth and consistency as cinematic metaphors.
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Hernández Lobato, J. (2013). The Textualization of Identity in Peter Greeaway’s Cinema. A Semiotic Analysis of The Pillow Book (1996). Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 7(7), 177–205. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Jesús Hernández Lobato

1, rue Victor Cousin 75005 Paris (Francia)