Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

‘Rafts, pregnants and prostitution’: representations and discourses of immigrants women on Spanish televisión


This article analyses the image that Andalusian public television offers of immigrant women in Spain, from the observation of a news programme -Canal Sur Noticias- inside the research project ‘Speeches of foreigners in media in Andalusia: the visual and discursive construction the new Andalusia’ (Project of Excellence Andalusia. TIC-6517). To do this we have reviewed the main topics associated with the women, noting with which issues they are related. The images used to illustrate these issues are considered in the research too, but also ‘absences’ in such audio-visual narratives. The methodology used in the analysis combines quantitative and qualitative approaches, so that it has made a sample of reporting units that were subsequently subjected to a content analysis. The research results indicate a media representation of immigrant women is reductionist and biased, which identifies them essentially as nonautonomous subjects and victims.
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Olmos Alcaraz, A. (2013). ‘Rafts, pregnants and prostitution’: representations and discourses of immigrants women on Spanish televisión. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 7(7), 73–99. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Antonia Olmos Alcaraz

Universidad de Granada
Calle Real de Cartuja, 36, 18012 Granada (España)