Truth Commissions and Reforms to the Security and Defense Sector in Latin America

  • Elena Martínez Barahona
    Universidad de Salamanca embarahona[at]
  • Héctor Centeno Martín
    Universidad de Salamanca


This article intends to examine the formulation and measure the level of implementation of the recommendations of the Truth Commission regarding the Armed Forces and security forces. At the same time, it is presented as a strategy to address the analysis of the formulation and implementation of the recommendations, through a selection of cases and observations consistent with the purpose that, both quantitative and qualitative studies are accurate when to address a complex and polyhedral theme. In order to carry out this study, the databases created in the Beyond Words: Implementing Latin American Truth Commission Recommendations project (Elin Skaar-Michelsen Institute 2014-2017) will be taken as a reference.
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Martínez Barahona, E., & Centeno Martín, H. (2020). Truth Commissions and Reforms to the Security and Defense Sector in Latin America. América Latina Hoy, 84, 9–30.


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