Catholic Church and State in Cuba: past and present relationships


After centuries of a deep presence in Cuba, the Catholic Church has always been part of a complex relationship with the political establishment. The break between Church and State that occurred after the Revolution, would soon show the institution’s ability to survive in unfavorable conditions. Now, after more than fifty years of revolutionary experience, the Catholic Church has become the sole internal interlocutor with the regime. The aim of this article is to analyze the process by which the Cuban Catholic Church has managed its relations with the Castro regime, balancing its pastoral mission with its social responsibilities, that has been increasing as new factors emerged, on both the national stage and on the International Relations front.
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Contreras García, D. (2013). Catholic Church and State in Cuba: past and present relationships. América Latina Hoy, 63, 177–195.


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Author Biography

Delia Contreras García

Universidad San Pablo CEU-Fundación Ortega-Marañón
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación. Universidad CEU San Pablo. Paseo de Juan XXIII 6, 8 y 10 y Julián Romea 2 28040 Madrid, (España)