Spain and Brazil in Latin America: from policy of Franco’s «Hispanidad» to the Iberoamerican Summits


In the last years, Brazil has been constituting in the key country for the success or failure of the different attempts of integration in South America, as well as the main actor in the mechanisms of political cooperation within the region. Nevertheless, in the Spanish academic scope there is still a need for an analysis and a study about Brasil’s participation in Iberoamerican Summits, from the perspective of Brazilian goals on matters of foreign policy and from the consideration of how this country has, historically, perceived Spanish policy towards Latin America as a whole. This paper shows the Brazilian perceptions about the Spanish initiatives developed in the last half century to manage to articulate a Iberoamerican Community of Nations.
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Ayllón Pino, B. (2011). Spain and Brazil in Latin America: from policy of Franco’s «Hispanidad» to the Iberoamerican Summits. América Latina Hoy, 37, 145–163.


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Author Biography

Bruno Ayllón Pino

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.. IUDC. C/ Donoso Cortés 65 - 6º planta - 28015- Madrid (España)