Social capital and political culture in Brazil: prospectives and constrains


This article examines the relationship between political culture and social capital in Brazil. It emphasizes the importance of constructing a political system founded in the interpersonal or reciprocal trust, as well as the confidence in the political institutions. After examining the main controversies about the definition of social capital, this article defends the idea of reterritorializing this concept, giving a strategic value insofar as the instrumental dimension is concerned, which is, the empowerment of the citizens so as to help to construct and institutionalize a participant political culture. After examining surveys carried out in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the main conclusion is that the levels of social capital in this city, and probably extensive to the country, are very low compromising, in the short run, the possibility of gerating a critical and participative citizenship.
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Baquero Jacome, C. M. (2010). Social capital and political culture in Brazil: prospectives and constrains. América Latina Hoy, 33, 157–177.


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Author Biography

Cesar Marcelo Baquero Jacome

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Ciências Sociais. Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Agronomia - Porto Alegre, RS – (Brasil)