Business, State and Public Policies in Brazil: New trends at the dawn of a new Millennium


The article examines the scope and depth of the changes in Brazil since the 1980s, when the transition to democracy and the implementation of market reforms came to the forefront of the public agenda. Through a comparison between the 1980s and 1990s, the article examines developments in the economic order and social structure of Brazil with particular emphasis on political and institutional changes. With this aim, the paper looks specifically at the style of public management, the nature of the decision-making process, and the channels of statesociety interaction as well as the mechanisms for access to the decision-making centres. Finally, the article assesses the changes and relative importance of strategic actors in the new capitalist order.
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Diniz, E. (2010). Business, State and Public Policies in Brazil: New trends at the dawn of a new Millennium. América Latina Hoy, 33, 125–156.


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Author Biography

Eli Diniz

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Economia. Av. Pasteur, 250 – Botafogo. 22290240 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ – (Brasil)