The Cabinets of the Concertación in Chile (1990-2010)

  • Mireya DÁvila
  • Alejandro Olivares Lavados
    Universidad de Chile
  • Octavio Avendaño
    Universidad Alberto Hurtado


This article analyzes ministerial profiles and the relation between expertise and type of ministry for the case of the four Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia administrations in Chile between 1990 and 2010. The objective is to improve empirical knowledge about these topics relating two different literatures: the one developed for the study of ministerial elites and the other related to technocratic studies. The argument is that there is a relationship between type of ministry (political, social, economic or mixed) and the expertise (formal education) of ministries. Statistical analysis confirms our hypothesis; there is a relation between doctoral formation in economics and the ministries defined as economic ones.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
DÁvila, M., Olivares Lavados, A., & Avendaño, O. (2013). The Cabinets of the Concertación in Chile (1990-2010). América Latina Hoy, 64, 67–94.


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Author Biographies

Mireya DÁvila

Universidad de Chile
Instituto de Asuntos Públicos - Universidad de Chile. Santa Lucía 240, Santiago de Chile (Chile)

Alejandro Olivares Lavados

Universidad de Chile
Instituto de Asuntos Públicos - Universidad de Chile. Santa Lucía 240, Santiago de Chile (Chile)

Octavio Avendaño

Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Almirante Barroso 10 - Código Postal 6500620 - Santiago de Chile (Chile)