América Latina Hoy <p class="cm6"><strong>AMÉRICA LATINA HOY</strong> (ALH) es una revista de Ciencias Sociales fundada en 1991 especializada en estudios de área, publicada por el <strong>Instituto de Iberoamérica</strong> y <strong>Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca</strong>. Está dedicada al análisis de la realidad latinoamericana en sus aspectos políticos, sociales, históricos, culturales o económicos. Publicamos artículos originales e inéditos, priorizando los que son fruto de investigaciones innovadoras. ALH publica en continuo un volumen al año y recibe originales en español, portugués e inglés, pero las versiones finales de los artículos aceptados se publicarán en español, idioma en que se edita la revista.</p> <p class="LO-normal">La revista se encuentra indexada en grandes bases de datos tales como <a href=""><strong>SCOPUS</strong></a>, <a href="">ESCI</a> (Emerging Sources Citation Index) del <a href=""><strong>Web of Science</strong></a> (<strong>WoS</strong>), <a href="">DOAJ</a>, <a href="">HAPI</a>, HLAS, IPSA, IBSS, PAIS, SA (Sociological Abstracts), WPSA (Worldwide Political Science Abstracts---9), RESH, <a href="">CIRC</a>, <a href="">ÍnDICEs-CSIC</a>, <a href="">REDIB</a>, <a href="">MIAR</a>, <a href="">LATINDEX</a>, <a href="">ERIH Plus</a>, EBSCO, <a href="">Proquest</a>, <a href="">The Philosopher’s Index</a>, <a href="">Dialnet</a>, <a href="">Ulrichweb</a>, <a href="">Fuente Académica Plus</a>, <a href="">Political Science Complete</a>, <a href="">CARHUS Plus+ 2018</a>, <a href="">Redial &amp; ceisal</a>.</p> <p class="LO-normal">Además, cuenta con el <a href="">sello de calidad de la FECYT</a> (Cuartil 1), y se encuentra posicionada en:</p> <ul> <li class="show"><a href=";tip=sid&amp;clean=0">Scimago Journal &amp; Country Rank</a>: SJR = 0.207, Q1 en Historia y Q3 en Sociología y Ciencia Política</li> <li class="show"><a href=";year=2023&amp;fromPage=%2Fjcr%2Fhome" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Journal Impact Factor (ESCI WoS)</a>: 0.2, Q4 en Ciencia Política</li> <li class="show"><a href="">Dialnet métricas</a>: C1 en Ciencias Políticas, Sociología y Estudios sobre América Latina</li> <li class="show"><a href="">Qualis</a>: A2 en Ciencia Política, Economía, Educación y Sociología</li> <li class="show"><a href="">MIAR</a>: ICDS = 10.0</li> <li class="show">Índice H de las revistas españolas de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, según Scholar Metrics, 2014-2018: 1ª en el ranking.</li> </ul> Universidad de Salamanca es-ES América Latina Hoy 1130-2887 Measuring the Reversal of the Displacement of the Ckunza Language of San Pedro de Atacama: a First Approximation The Ckunza language of the Chilean Lickan Antai is regarded as extinct. This community has worked on its revival since 2010. This descriptive-quantitative study explores the knowledge and use of the language among the members of the Atacamenean community. The results reveal an emerging reversal of the displacement of the Ckunza language. This article contributes to support the struggle for language revitalisation by supporting language planning as well as research in this field. Elizabeth Mónica Torrico Ávila Roberto Guerra-Mejía Copyright (c) 2024 Elizabeth Mónica Torrico Ávila, Roberto Guerra-Mejía 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 94 e31159 e31159 10.14201/alh.31159 Structure and Conjuncture: Policies and Income Inequality in Argentina and Colombia in Times of COVID-19 This article examines, from a comparative perspective between Argentina and Colombia, the interactions between the structure, public policies, and their incidence on the inequality of the different sources of household income, both before and during the crisis generated by the COVID-19 virus and in the recovery phase. The results show that, during the crisis, the governments of Argentina and Colombia implemented broadly similar income policies. However, it became evident that the structure of the labor markets and the previous institutional framework of social protection, in conjunction with the specificity of the design of the policies implemented in each country, reinforced and conditioned the distributive dynamics in different magnitudes. The regressive impact of labor income is underscored, along with the compensatory function of cash transfers in non-labor income, albeit with nuanced differences observed between the two countries. Lucía Trujillo-Salazar Copyright (c) 2024 Lucía Trujillo-Salazar 2024-04-12 2024-04-12 94 e31312 e31312 10.14201/alh.31312 The Focus of Foreign Trade Policy and its Impact on Bolivian Exports after Joining the Multilateral Trade System <p class="p1">This article aims to characterize Bolivia’s foreign trade, specifically in the case of exports. This is because after Bolivia’s entry into the Multilateral Trade System, measures have been adopted that have shaped the evolution of the trade policy of this Andean country. In particular, the main export products, the participation of each department in their production, the historical behavior of exports, and their impact on world trade, among other aspects, are analyzed.</p> Jose Jaime Baena Rojas Jhonny David Atila-Lijeron Susana Herrero-Olarte Copyright (c) 2023 Jose Jaime Baena Rojas, Jhonny David Atila-Lijeron, Susana Herrero-Olarte 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 94 e28512 e28512 10.14201/alh.28512 #FuimosTodas. Counter-Discursive Voices of the Mexican Feminist Movement <p>In this paper, we analyze the hashtag #FuimosTodas, the conditions in which it was created, its resignification in the environment of a conflict between the feminist movement and the Mexican State, and also its implications. We focus on the way the hashtag, in addition to establishing itself as a powerful symbolic instrument for feminism due to its capacity to articulate a political subjectivity, it acts as a catalyst for a popular will that condenses different experiences and meanings.</p> Narcisa Sinche Morocho Ana Dolores Verdú Delgado Copyright (c) 2023 Narcisa Sinche Morocho, Ana Dolores Verdú Delgado 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 94 e30765 e30765 10.14201/alh.30765 How to study memory policies? <p class="p1">This paper reflects on the epistemological and methodological challenges entailed by the study of state-sponsored memory policies. In light of the Argentine case, we focus our attention on three main issues: how to understand the processes of institutionalization of demands referring to the past? In what manner should we conceptualize those who, from within state agencies, produce memory policies on a daily basis? How to comprehend the effect of «officiality» that defines memories constructed by state agencies?</p> Cinthia Balé Copyright (c) 2023 Cinthia Bale 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 94 e31262 e31262 10.14201/alh.31262