The Artemis Quartet or from a story about collective resilience


The article reviews the famous Artemis Quartet in its 30-year story, along with its great capacity to adapt to the ups and downs experienced throughout this period, preserving the interpretive quality as a primary goal. The quartet had suffered the crisis produced by the disappearance of Friedemann Weigle who, distressed by a bipolar disorder and major depressive disturbance, ended his life on July 6, 2015. Such a quartet's experiences are well reflected in the Artemis documentary, The Neverending Quartet premiered in 2019 in Hamburg, and later nominated for the Golden Calf Film Award in the category of "Best Documentary Short Film 2020". In its 53 minutes, the director Hester Overmars provides us an overall sketch from the group, which in addition to her possibility of attending the rehearsals serves to record the experiences behind the scenes, and the renovating efforts, like a sort of solid collective resilience. With music as the central character, the film helps to understand the vicissitudes arisen from the painful loss of a partner from so many years, together with the endeavor of not being trapped in the ambush of hopelessness.
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Bottasso, O. (2021). The Artemis Quartet or from a story about collective resilience. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 17(4), 257–261.


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Author Biography

Oscar Bottasso

Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Oscar Bottasso es Investigador Superior de CONICET y del Consejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Ex-Director del Instituto de Inmunología Clínica y Experimental de Rosario (UNR-CONICET).