The vision of disability in the first stage of Disney: Snow White and the 7 dwarfs, Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan


The cinema is a great promoter of ideas and has historically contributed to the dissemination of an image of disability based on stereotypes. This media is especially attractive to children because of its high entertainment value. It is precisely the children who assimilate as valid many of the images and values that are transmitted in the films and that help shape their attitudes. In this work, several aspects of the vision of disability in Disney characters are exposed through three films from the period between 1937-1953: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. These three Films have been widely disseminated and have marked three different generations. Therefore, an analysis is made of the characters with disabilities that appear in these feature films and the image of the disability that is projected through them. There are also discussed the stereotypes that perpetuate and the influence they can have on the children audience to which these films are directed.
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