The Lincei Academy and its History of Revivals


The manuscript reviews the history of the Academy of the Linceans created at the beginning of the 17th century with all its ups and downs surrounding an existence that already exceeds 500 years. As a clear example of such chiaroscuro, an account of the threats experienced during the fascist period together with its piercing anti-Semitic policy, and the subsequent reconstitution after the war, is also made. Long live then to the Academy, and our very best wishes for a consonant future devoid of upsetting facts.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
L'accademia dei Lincei. La Storia. Italia. Archivio Storico Capitolino.

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei – Storia. Italia.

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. wikipedia. Italia.

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Accademia dei Lincei - Protagonisti - Vito Volterra. Italia.

Accademia dei Lincei - Cronologia - 1926 Volterra presenta le dimissioni da presidente dei Lincei. Italia.

Accademia dei Lincei - Cronologia - 1933 Commissariamento dell’Accademia dei Lincei. Italia.

Accademia dei Lincei - Cronologia - 1939 Fusione dell’Accademia dei Lincei con l’Accademia d’Italia. Italia.

Accademia dei Lincei - Cronologia - 1944 Ricostituzione dell'Accademia dei Lincei. Italia.

Accademia dei Lincei - Protagonisti - Guido Castelnuovo. Italia.

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Oscar. (2023). The Lincei Academy and its History of Revivals. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 19(3), 249–253.


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