Design and evaluation of cosmetics with apple vinegar and extract

  • María Sánchez Cueto
    Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Salamanca mariasc36[at]
  • Aránzazu Zarzuelo Castañeda
    Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Salamanca


Apple cider vinegar is composed, largely by polyphenolic compounds, which give it a series of optimal characteristics for skin care, among which are the antioxidant, antimelanogenic, anti-cellulite, seborregulatory or anti-inflammatory activity. These properties are accentuated in the apple extract because it has a superior phenolic profile.Four cosmetic formulations (two anti-wrinkle creams, one sebum-regulating cream and one anti-cellulite gel) were added by adding the vinegar or the extract, depending on the desired effect and cosmeticity, to a base previously selected and elaborated by emulsification or gelling techniques.The results of the studies of conclusive combined stability, optimal for the four formulations, allowed to set an expiration of 24 months, which makes feasible its preparation and distribution at commercial level.Based on all the studies carried out, it can be concluded that the incorporation of vinegar or apple extract in cosmetic formulas is an option to be taken into account, since it provides multiple benefits for the skin, does not present problems of incorporation into the bases and, its low cost, does not substantially increase the final formula
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Sánchez Cueto, M., & Zarzuelo Castañeda, A. (2019). Design and evaluation of cosmetics with apple vinegar and extract. FarmaJournal, 4(2), 51–60.


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