Study of Drug Interactions Detected during Acts of Dispensing in a Community Pharmacy. Preparation of Action Protocols. Laguna de Duero. February to July 2023

  • Andrés García
    Farmacia Dra. María del Villar Igea. Calle del Dr. Eugenio Velasco, 1. 47490 Rueda, Valladolid
  • María Del Villar
    Farmacia Dra. María del Villar Igea. Calle del Dr. Eugenio Velasco, 1. 47490 Rueda, Valladolid mvillarigea[at]


The issue of pharmacological interactions in the geriatric population is crucial due to the phenomenon of polypharmacy, which significantly increases the risk of their occurrence. The integration of databases and tools for detecting pharmacological interactions in management programs used in pharmacies facilitates the visualization of this medication-related problem (MRP) during the dispensing process. However, it must be considered that medications dispensed in a single act do not always constitute the patient’s entire treatment, so, for a comprehensive analysis, it is necessary to visualize the complete pharmacotherapy at that moment. The study focuses on residents in a geriatric center (74 individuals). During the study period, both medication dispensations over three and a half months and the complete pharmacotherapy were analyzed, using a color-coded system to classify Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) based on the required action by the pharmacist. After analyzing the results, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The probability of a patient experiencing at least one pharmacological interaction is very high (71.23 % in the study). 2. Detection of interactions during dispensing acts is more effective when a higher number of medications are involved. 3. Drug-Drug interactions may remain hidden in daily practice if a complete pharmacotherapy study is not conducted.
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García, A., & Del Villar, M. (2024). Study of Drug Interactions Detected during Acts of Dispensing in a Community Pharmacy. Preparation of Action Protocols. Laguna de Duero. February to July 2023. FarmaJournal, 9(1), 19–39.


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