Pharmaceutical Intervention for the Improvement of Therapeutic Adherence Through the Implantation of SPD in a Community Pharmacy


The lack of therapeutic adherence is a major global problem, because it entails a loss of benefits for pharmacotherapy and the quality of life, in addition to health, economic and social consequences. Community chemists have a very important role, since they can recognize and act, together with the patient and other health professionals, with the problems related to a lack of therapeutic adherence in an individualized and protocolized way. In the pharmaceutical care service, a lack of therapeutic adherence is frequently detected, for this reason it was thought that it would be effective to intercede with the use of a monitored dosage system (MDS) and for it to be always done in collaboration with the rest of the primary care team. MDSs are an important tool, created to improve therapeutic adherence and guarantee the efficacy and safety of established treatments.
  • Referencias
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Codesal Gervás, T., & Refoyo Romero, E. (2022). Pharmaceutical Intervention for the Improvement of Therapeutic Adherence Through the Implantation of SPD in a Community Pharmacy. FarmaJournal, 7(1), 61–70.


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Author Biographies

Tomás Codesal Gervás

Farmacia Tomás Codesal
Farmacia Tomás Codesal. Calle San Torcuato, 21. 49014 Zamora

Elena Refoyo Romero

Farmacia Tomás Codesal
Farmacia Tomás Codesal. Calle San Torcuato, 21. 49014 Zamora