Pharmacotherapeutic Approach to Anxiety at the Chemist’s

  • María Mercedes Remón Álvarez-Arenas
    Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas mmercedesremon[at]
  • Estefanía Morales Gama
    Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas
  • María del Rosario Palomero Gil
    Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas


The consumption of drugs indicated for the treatment of sleep disorders, anxiety and depression – benzodiazepines, Z analogues and antidepressants – has doubled in 2020 as a result of the global pandemic COVID-19 compared to 2019. The main objective of this study is to analyse the patients’ profile treated with anxiolytics/antidepressants, taking into account their ages, sex, drugs taken and perseverance with medication. A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was designed, in which the study population consisted of patients being treated with at least one anxiolytic drug – hypnotic or benzodiazepine – with a total sample of 80 patients. Data collection was carried out from March to June at the chemist’s by means of a questionnaire, answered voluntarily and anonymously by patients. A search by active ingredient/pharmaceutical speciality was carried out using drug technical sheets. The questionnaires were analysed with Python v3.8.5 database. It was observed that the consumption of this kind of drugs is more common among women, and among 20-30 year-old-people, being lorazepam the most dispensed anxiolytic and combined with antidepressants.
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Remón Álvarez-Arenas, M. M., Morales Gama, E., & Palomero Gil, M. del R. (2022). Pharmacotherapeutic Approach to Anxiety at the Chemist’s. FarmaJournal, 7(1), 53–60.


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Author Biographies

María Mercedes Remón Álvarez-Arenas

Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas
Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas. Avenida Santa Marina, 38ª. 06005 Badajoz

Estefanía Morales Gama

Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas
Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas. Avenida Santa Marina, 38ª. 06005 Badajoz

María del Rosario Palomero Gil

Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas
Farmacia Remón Álvarez-Arenas. Avenida Santa Marina, 38ª. 06005 Badajoz