Study on the Evolution of Antibiotic Consumption and Resistance Pattern in an Intensive Care Unit from 2013-2018

  • Lara Sancho Romo
    Universidad de Salamanca larasanchoromo[at]
  • Juan José Ortiz De Urbina González
    Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León
  • Julio Antonio Valdueza Beneítez
    Hospital Comarcal de El Bierzo


The appearance and spread of antibiotic resistance is the result of an adaptive selection process in response to the use of antibiotics, called antibiotic pressure. Antibiotic pressure not only facilitates the expansion of resistant mutants, but exposure to sublethal doses of antibiotics can favor the mutation of species resistant to different families of antibiotics. This acquires great importance in the hospital environment and especially in intensive care units (ICU), so it is crucial to control the different endemic strains of the hospital, and to adjust the dose of antibiotic therapy used in each patient. For this reason, the Antimicrobial Use Optimization Programs (PROA) were initiated at the national level. In this work, an analysis of the initial situation of the ICU of the Hospital de El Bierzo is carried out, evaluating the consumption of antibiotics, by families and active principles, isolated strains, and resistance of the isolated strains, to evaluate the need for implantation of a PROA team.
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