Evolution of the dispensing of narcotic pharmaceutical specialties from 2000 to 2020 in the pharmacy office located in the Plaza del Mercado Chico in the city of Ávila

  • Carlos Pérez Jiménez
    Farmacia Juan Carlos Pérez Antona carvagalla[at]usal.es
  • Paloma Carvajal Gallardo
    Farmacia Carvajal Gallardo
  • Carmen García Martín
    Farmacia José Sahagún Krause


Beginning in the year 2000, all dispensing of narcotic pharmaceutical specialties is registered. This practice continued until the year 2020, including the pharmacy Plaza del Mercado Chico, 10, Ávila. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether there is any kind of variation when it comes to this dispensing over the years, and what that variation implies. The data used to for this study was gathered through the annual declaration of narcotic drugs, which is released by the pharmacy for further analysis on Microsoft Excel. The results of this study suggest that there exists a variation on the movement of narcotic drugs that have been dispensed. This implies that there has been an upward trend towards this dispensing of pharmaceutical specialties from 2000 to 2020.
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Pérez Jiménez, C., Carvajal Gallardo, P., & García Martín, C. (2021). Evolution of the dispensing of narcotic pharmaceutical specialties from 2000 to 2020 in the pharmacy office located in the Plaza del Mercado Chico in the city of Ávila. FarmaJournal, 6(2), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.14201/fj2021621725


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