Pharmaceutical care in flu and cold in a community pharmacy of Zamora capital in the months of September to February


Introduction: Influenza and cold are two pathologies of viral origin that increase the consultations in community pharmacy in the cold months. The appropriate approach to this minor symptomatology is part of the tasks of the pharmacist and must be carried out in a consensual manner in order to take into account all aspects of these pathologies, which have limited immunity and numerous reinfections.Objectives: Offer adequate pharmaceutical care by protocolizing the action in the pharmacy office. Offer the patient the máximum information about the disease in order to get adequate health care. Antibiotics not useful in these pathologies.Materials and methods: Observational cross-sectional study, carried out in the pharmacy office of Tomas Codesal in Zamora, Spain. Evaluations were conducted by means of surveys accompanied by an informative brochure that is given to the patient.Results and discussion: The data obtained show that the majority of patients come first to the community pharmacy before the appearance of the first symptoms of flu or cold.Conclusion:  From the Community Pharmacy a very important assistance work is done, improving the quality of life of the patient, the prevention of diseases and his knowledge in the distinction of two pathologies very consulted to the pharmacist.
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Fernández Rodríguez, E., & Codesal Gervás, T. (2018). Pharmaceutical care in flu and cold in a community pharmacy of Zamora capital in the months of September to February. FarmaJournal, 3(2), 63–73. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Tomás Codesal Gervás

Oficina de Farmacia Comunitaria Tomas Codesal, Calle San Torcuato,21,49014, Zamora. Castilla y León.