Evaluation of the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care in patients treated with magistral formulations from September 2017 to February 2018 in the Magistral Pharmacy of Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz)


The Magistral Formulations (MF) make possible the personalization of the treatments which are adapted to the particularities of each patient. In spite of this, the MF dispensations represent a very small percentage in compare with the rest of dispensations.The relationship between MF and Pharmaceutical Care (PC) is a field that has not been fully explored. In fact, there is no study with patients in the reviewed literature in spite of the own individualization of the pharmacotherapy itself implies the need to carry out a particular attention and final aim is to optimize the therapeutic results of the patient, increasing the efficiency, safety and adherence of the treatments.When prescribing an MF, the pharmacist must verify that it is necessary, effective and safe for each patient in particular. If something is not correct, the pharmacist will act in the same way as using other medication and doing the pharmacoterapeutical monitoring (SFT) of the patient, performing, therefore, PC.The objectives of this study are to carry out a retrospective observational study of MF in the pharmacy offices of the province of Badajoz as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of PC in patients treated with MF.
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Avís, S., Pérez Higuero, F. L., & Vicente, R. M. (2018). Evaluation of the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care in patients treated with magistral formulations from September 2017 to February 2018 in the Magistral Pharmacy of Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz). FarmaJournal, 3(2), 43–52. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/2445-1355/article/view/18644

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Author Biography

Francisco Luis Pérez Higuero

Farmacia Magistral Francisco Luis Pérez Higuero, Calle Cruz del Río, 127, Villanueva de la Serena, 06700 Badajoz.