Architectural damages of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Salamanca University


The building of the Faculty of Pharmacy was designed by Julio Cano Lasso and Ignacio Mendaro and it is considered a remarkable work within the Spanish rationalist architecture; however, the last few years its worsening has been revealed for all those who perform daily activities within its walls.The aim of this work is the analysis, classification and evaluation of the observed pathologies origin, being conscious of its severity and preventing the occurrence of future injuries. The pathologies were identified in situ by data observation and collection and its rear organisation according to the premises on rehabilitation issues (type, orientation, level of exposure ...) established by the Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid.According to the obtained results, it can be concluding that that the most relevant pathologies are located on the facades with greater exposure to sunlight (south-east), growing vertically and/or having been caused by direct causes, among which humidity could be highlighted. Although most of the pathologies do not compromise the safety of individuals, it does cause problems of healthiness and comfort, which can hinder the normal development of the activities for which the building was conceived.
  • Referencias
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Author Biography

Paula García Santos

Arquitecto. Máster en regeneración urbana, rehabilitación y diseño.