Benefits of the Implementation of Personalised Medication Dosage Systems (PMDS) in Community Pharmacy; El Encinar, October 2016 – February 2017.


The lack of adherence to pharmacological treatment has been lately considered as a relevant public health issue worldwide, due to its harmful consequences, such as the increase in therapeutic failure and its associated health costs.In order to solve this problem and to improve the adherence in the chronically polymedicated population, the Personalised Medication Dosage systems become essential, so that the patient can take his/her medication, organized in weekly multidose blisters, at the community pharmacy,The project consists of several stages: first, a study of the proportion, causes and factors which determines the lack of adherence among the population in El Encinar is carried out through the design of a survey. This survey is also used to select the most appropriate subjects to receive the medication in PMDS devices, which makes it possible to implement the service at the pharmacy for 4 months.Throughout the procedure, all the relevant information is collected to finally determine and analyze the benefits that patients, pharmacists, pharmacies and health services obtain thanks to the PMDS, concluding that it is an useful tool to upscale adherence to treatments.
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Author Biography

María Jesús Pariente

Universidad de Salamanca
Farmacia María Jesús Pariente Velasco, C/ Tormes, 7, El Encinar, Salamanca