Design, development and control of a cosmetic body for skins with dermatitis.

  • Irene Flores Morales
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Aranzazú Zarzuelo Castañeda
    Universidad de Salamanca drury[at]


Nowadays, people are aware of the need to carry out the necessary skin care to prevent a new outbreak due to the increase in cases of atopic dermatitis and the high prevalence of adverse effects resulting from the prescribed treatment. The pharmacist, as a healthcare professional, can offer customized products through masterful formulation and cosmetics. This work collects the design and development of a base cosmetic products, which can undergo different modifications to individualize and adapt the treatment to the needs of each patient, and the stability test that is carried out during the 3 months after its elaboration. Besides, it collects the results obtained after its application in several patients and a guide that includes measures of maintenance to avoid the appearance of the characteristic symptomatology of dermatitis.
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Flores Morales, I., & Zarzuelo Castañeda, A. (2018). Design, development and control of a cosmetic body for skins with dermatitis. FarmaJournal, 3(1), 57–66. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Aranzazú Zarzuelo Castañeda

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Área de Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica. Campus Miguel de Unamuno. Calle Lic. Méndez Nieto, s/n, 37007 Salamanca