Quality Control in Filling Unit Dose Trolleys at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital during the Months of November and December of 2015

  • Luis Malpica Arce
  • Virginia Martínez Callejo
    Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander


Objective: To quantify and categorize dispensing errors produced during filling of trolleys in a unit dose drug dispensing system(UDDDS).Material and methods: Observational study during the months of November and December of 2015. Actions taken: 1) Daily record of discrepancies occurred between the treatment of each patient and the content of the medication cassette, and 2) Quantification and categorization of the discrepancies found regard to the total units dispensed.Results: 1) 29 medication trolleys were evaluated, which contained 3773 units to be dispensed, and they were compared against 1947 prescription lines, and 2) 18 units were found to present discrepancies with the prescribed treatment (error rate 0.48%), of which: 10 units were dispensed in excess (6 units, 0.16%) or default (4 units, 0.11%), 7 units were not prescribed to patients (0.18%), and 1 unit had a different dosage to scheduled (0.03%).Conclusions: Evaluation and control of trolley filling has enabled log errors committed in dispensing, for further analysis in a process of continuous improvement of quality of care.
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Malpica Arce, L., & Martínez Callejo, V. (2017). Quality Control in Filling Unit Dose Trolleys at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital during the Months of November and December of 2015. FarmaJournal, 2(1), 53–59. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/2445-1355/article/view/15204


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Author Biography

Virginia Martínez Callejo

Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander
Sección de Farmacia OncológicaEdificio Valdecilla Sur, 2ª planta, puerta nº 2109.Hosp. Univ. Marqués de ValdecillaAvda Valdecilla s/n39.008 Santander.