Tobacco Consumption among Pharmacy Students. Evaluation by Fagerström Test


Tobacco is a central nervous system stimulant drug. During tobacco combustion toxic products associated with various diseases are generated. One of the main components is nicotine, responsible of tobacco’s addiction. In Spain, 21.7% of the young population (15-24 years) smoke daily. Knowing this fact, we wanted to evaluate the smoking habits in Pharmacy students. An observational study was conducted through a survey divided into two parts: 1) Overview and habits; 2) Tobacco consumption and nicotine dependence by the Fagerström Test.A total number of 209 students participated in the study. The majority were non-smokers (80.9%), only 14.4% were smokers and 4.7% were ex-smokers. The 2ndyear course was the one with more smokers (18.6%) and the 1stcourse with more non-smokers (85.7%). Neither the type of accommodation nor the nightlife seemed to influence tobacco consumption; however, social pressure, health concern or sports did it.We might conclude that the percentage of smokers among students of Pharmacy (2015-2016 academic course) is less than the average observed in the Spanish young people. Also they present low nicotinic dependence.
  • Referencias
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Martín Castellanos, A., & Vicente Vicente, L. (2017). Tobacco Consumption among Pharmacy Students. Evaluation by Fagerström Test. FarmaJournal, 2(1), 31–40. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Laura Vicente Vicente

Universidad de Salamanca
Unidad de Toxicología. Departamento de Fisiología y Farmacología, University of Salamanca.Laboratorio 223-226, Edificio Departamental Campus Miguel de Unamuno S/N,Teléfono 923 29 44 00 ext. 1862