Are there differences in the acquisition of theory of mind between deaf children of deaf parents and hearing parents with respect to normal hearing children? A review


Introduction: Deaf children have a limitation in perceiving oral language, this limitation affects the development of cognitive abilities, as is the case of the development of the Theory of Mind (ToM). Objective: To identify the difficulties that deaf children have in the acquisition of ToM, due to the type of communication they have with their parents. Methodology: Research question: How does the lack of access to conversations influence the type of communication that parents have with their children in the development of the Theory of Mind? Bibliographic review of the main databases: Pubmed, Dialnet, Plinio, EbscoHost and ProQuest. The most relevant articles published between 2000 and 2016 have been accepted. Studies conducted on profound and pre-lingual deaf children of deaf and hearing parents, studies on the development of ToM in deaf children of deaf parents and hearing parents were reviewed, with hearing children of hearing parents and, lastly, interactions that hearing mothers have with deaf children and hearing children. In all of them, the type of communication used was sign language (SL). Results: The lack of access to conversations about mental states mediated using SL, produces a delay in the acquisition of ToM in deaf children of hearing parents. Conclusions: The communication of parents with their children has a direct impact on the development of ToM. Deaf children of deaf parents develop ToM earlier than deaf children of hearing parents, since they are immersed in conversations referring to mental states from birth.
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Rodríguez-rabadán-peinado, I., & Monforte-Pérez, D. (2018). Are there differences in the acquisition of theory of mind between deaf children of deaf parents and hearing parents with respect to normal hearing children? A review. Revista ORL, 10(2), 133–140.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Rodríguez-rabadán-peinado

Logopeda Fundación Anda Conmigo. Boadilla del Monte (Madrid

Diana Monforte-Pérez

Profesora Asociada UCLM. Departamento de Ciencias Médicas. Facultad de Terapia Ocupacional, Logopedia y Enfermeria. Talavera de la Reina (Toledo). Logopeda Centro de Foniatría y Logopedia Dra. Bielsa. Talavera de la Reina (Toledo). Logopeda APACE TALAVERA. Talavera de la Reina (Toledo).