Sant Joan d’Alacant declaration in defense of Open Access to scientific publications, by the group of editors of Spanish journals on health sciences (GERECS)


This document is published simultaneously in the journals that have signed the Sant Joan d'Alacant Declaration of the Group of Spanish Journalists Editors on Health Sciences (GERECS) on November 25, 2017.
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Sanz-Valero, J. (2018). Sant Joan d’Alacant declaration in defense of Open Access to scientific publications, by the group of editors of Spanish journals on health sciences (GERECS). Revista ORL, 9(4), 287–290.


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Author Biography

Javier Sanz-Valero

Universitat Miguel Hernàndez. Alacant.
Javier Sanz Valero, PhD, MPHÀrea d'Història de la Ciència. Dept. Salut Pública, Història de la Ciència y GinecologiaUniversitat Miguel HernàndezCampus de Sant Joan d'Alacant; Ctra. Alacant-València km. 8.703016 Sant Joan d'AlacantTel. (+34)965919506 y (+34)965919219Correu electrònic: