Structural central causes of vertigo in childhood


Introduction and objective: The main causes of vertigo in childhood are benign and have a favorable prognosis, the most prevalent being recurrent vertigo of childhood and vestibular migraine [1]. Less frequent are the central causes of vertigo, but most of them are associated with serious and life-threatening disorders, hence the importance of making an early diagnosis and thus being able to start a specific treatment for each pathology. Method: A narrative review of the literature in the Pubmed, Dialnet and SciELO databases of articles published on causes of central vertigo in childhood in the last 15 years has been carried out. Conclusions: The structural core causes of vertigo in childhood are varied and rare. They are characterized by associating the vestibular clinic with other central neurological symptoms and headache. the seriousness of some of them, it is necessary to make an early diagnosis through imaging tests, mainly MRI, and start a specific treatment as soon as possible.
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