Vestibular migraine in childhood. An update

  • Vilma Sandoval-Pacheco
    SACYL. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitario El Bierzo, Ponferrada, León. España vesandoval[at]
  • Diana Lourido-Piedrahita
    SACYL. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitario El Bierzo, Ponferrada, León. España
  • Jesús San Román-Carbajo
    SACYL. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitario El Bierzo, Ponferrada, León. España


Introduction and objective: The association of vestibular symptoms in patients with migraine is more frequent than in the general population. In childhood, one of the most common causes of dizziness is vestibular migraine, which due to its variety of symptoms is often the object of study by various specialties. The purpose of this article is to perform a bibliographic review that allows us to familiarize ourselves with this pathology. Method: A bibliographic review of the articles published in the main databases ((PubMed) Medline, UpToDate, Elsevier, Cochrane Library, Science Direct) was conducted, selecting the most relevant articles according to type of study and year of publication. Results: Vestibular migraine is a diagnosis to consider in the evaluation of the pediatric patient, given its prevalence and the spectrum of differential diagnosis to which it belongs. Discussion: Vestibular migraine in childhood has an unknown prevalence and is defined by the presence of headache with migraine characteristics, accompanied by vestibular symptoms, before, during or after the migraine attack. Its diagnosis is made using the new diagnostic criteria published by the ICVD (International Classification of Vestibular Disorders) in 2021 and does not require other tests for its diagnosis. So far, there is no specific treatment, and the existing one is based on the control of the symptoms of the migraine attack. Conclusions: One of the most frequent causes of dizziness in children is vestibular migraine, which, as of 2021, has its own diagnostic criteria, together with a spectrum of diseases with which a differential diagnosis must be made. Despite the studies conducted, there is no standardized treatment for this pathology.
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Sandoval-Pacheco, V., Lourido-Piedrahita, D., & San Román-Carbajo, J. (2023). Vestibular migraine in childhood. An update. Revista ORL, e31539.

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