Soft-palate Tumour as the First Sign for Acute Myeoblastic Leukemia

  • Enrique Coscarón-Blanco
    SACYL. Complejo Asistencial de Zamora. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora kikekoska[at]
  • Español
    SACYL. Complejo Asistencial de Zamora. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora
  • Español
    SACYL. Complejo Asistencial de Zamora. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora
  • Español
    SACYL. Complejo Asistencial de Zamora. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora
  • Español
    SACYL. Complejo Asistencial de Zamora. Hospital Virgen de la Concha. Zamora


Introduction and objective: To describe an unfrequent case of ulcerated tumour as fist sign for Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia AM-10 Method: The case of a 50-year-old man with no medical or toxic history of interest, who presented with a 48-hour history of odynophagia, rapidly progressive fever and general malaise, refractory to usual analgesia and affected by a highly ulcerated necrotic tumor with a hyperemic rim. and very painful in the left hemipalate, which appeared in the last 36 hours with no other pathological signs. Laboratory tests showed 47,000 leukocytes with blasts. Results: A biopsy was performed and undifferentiated mieloblastic proliferation, suggestive of Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia M0-M1 with CD-15, CD99 expression was demonstrated. Discussion: Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia AM-10 is a severe condition due to minimally differentiated blast proliferation that can lead to death in a few days without appropiate treatment . Oral manifestations are frequent in general disease context although they can also occur as issolated sign.. They range from gum enlargement ,to decoloration. Wide range of tumours can also be observed. In this case, the highly aggressive and necrotic appearance of a small tumor was striking. The analysis pointed to hematological disease, with the deep biopsy being demonstrative. The patient has received aggressive chemotherapy and is currently under follow-up. Conclusions; In the case of small but aggressive tumors with extensive necrosis and hyperemia, with refractory and rapidlly progressive symptoms, we should request an analysis to suspect haematological disease while awaiting the result of a biopsy.
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  • Métricas
Coscarón-Blanco, E., Martín Garrido, E., Español, E., Español, E., & Español, E. (2023). Soft-palate Tumour as the First Sign for Acute Myeoblastic Leukemia. Revista ORL, 13(S2), 89–90.


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