Transcartilaginous ear piercing complications


Introduction: Transcartilaginous ear piercing performance is common practice in adolescence. The injury to skin and cartilages with the local insertion of a foreign body increases the risk of infection.Material and methods: Complications related with ear piercing performance in the last year were reviewed.Results: Three patients suffered from transcartilaginous ear piercing local complications. Their ages range between 15-25 years old. The first one, developed an abscess in the pinna`s area, which needed drainage. The second one presented a perycondritis that was treated by antipseudomonal antibiotherapy. The third one, presented a keloid scar after 2 months of ear piercing removed. Any of the three cases developed irreversible defects. Summary: Transcartilaginous piercing may lead to ear deformity and functional defects. Its performance must be done in aseptical conditions to minimize associated morbidity. 
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Corriols Noval, P., Gil Aguilar, M. T., Viana Cora, A., Castillo Ledesma, N., González Aguado, R., & Morales Angulo, C. (2018). Transcartilaginous ear piercing complications. Revista ORL, 9(6), 3.3.

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Author Biographies

Patricia Corriols Noval

Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (HUMV)
Residente del Servicio de ORL del HUMV

Maria Teresa Gil Aguilar

Residente del Servicio de ORL del HUMV

Aiara Viana Cora

Residente del Servicio de ORL del HUMV

Nathalia Castillo Ledesma

Residente del Servicio de ORL del HUMV

Rocío González Aguado

FEA del servicio de ORL del HUMV

Carmelo Morales Angulo

Jefe del Servicio de ORL del HUMV