Terapia física en la hipofunción vestibular unilateral y bilateral
Resumen Introducción: La rehabilitación vestibular (RV) basada en la terapia física, tiene el objetivo, en el caso de patología vestibular, de inducir la compensación del sistema nervioso central (SNC) a nivel de núcleos vestibulares y de otros niveles del SNC. Incluye ejercicios de habituación, adaptación y sustitución vestibular, ejercicios para mejorar el equilibrio y el control postural dinámico y ejercicios para el acondicionamiento general. En este capítulo discutimos los recientes avances sobre el adiestramiento del equilibrio y de la marcha, la estabilidad de la mirada y la habituación, en el contexto de los trastornos vestibulares uni y bilaterales. Método: Revisión narrativa. Resultados: Los ejercicios se prescriben para mejorar la función; fortaleciendo, y favoreciendo la flexibilidad y la resistencia, a través de la adaptación del RVO, la habituación, la sustitución sensorial, la marcha y el equilibrio postural. Son más eficaces los programas personalizados que los genéricos. El cumplimiento mejora con la personalización y las visitas de seguimiento a un fisioterapeuta. Discusión/Conclusiones: La RV permite mejorar el déficit funcional y los síntomas subjetivos derivados de la hipofunción vestibular periférica uni y bilateral, así como las alteraciones del equilibrio de origen central. Los objetivos de la RV consisten en reducir los síntomas para mejorar la estabilidad postural y de la mirada (particularmente durante los movimientos de la cabeza) y devolver al individuo a sus actividades normales, incluyendo la actividad física, la conducción y el trabajo habitual. Los médicos deben ofrecer la RV a quienes muestren limitaciones funcionales relacionadas con un déficit vestibular, pues actualmente se considera el tratamiento estándar en la disfunción vestibular periférica.
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Alghadir AH, Iqbal ZA, Whitney SL. An update on vestibular physical therapy. J Chin Med Assoc. 2013 Jan;76(1):1-8.
Alsalaheen BA, Whitney SL, Mucha A, Morris LO, Furman JM, Sparto PJ. Exercise prescription patterns in patients treated with vestibular rehabilitation after concussion. Physiother Res Int. 2013 Jun;18(2):100-8.
Balci BD, Akdal G, Yaka E, Angin S. Vestibular rehabilitation in acute central vestibulopathy: a randomized controlled trial. J Vestib Res. 2013;23(4-5):259-67.
Barnes GR. Visual-vestibular interaction in the control of head and eye movement: the role of visual feedback and predictive mechanisms. Prog Neurobiol. 1993 Oct;41(4):435-72.
Bartolomeo M, Biboulet R, Pierre G, Mondain M, Uziel A, Venail F. Value of the video head impulse test in assessing vestibular deficits following vestibular neuritis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Apr;271(4):681-8.
Benito-Orejas J, Poncela-Blanco M, Diez-González L, Álvarez-Otero R, Aguilera-Aguilera G, Intraprendente-Martini J, Racines-Alava E, Martínez R, Marco-Carmona M, Sánchez-Gómez H, Yáñez-González R, González-Aguado R, Franco-Gutiérrez V, Guerra-Jiménez G, Mazón-Gutierrez A, Gancedo S, Pérez R, Santos-Gorjón P, Sánchez-Blanco C, García-Purriños F, Gascón-Rubio C, Salazar F, Bauer M, Valda-Rodrigo J, Mena-Domínguez E, Trinidad-Ruiz G, Batuecas-Caletrío A. Guía práctica del vértigo posicional paroxístico. Revista ORL [Internet]. 1 Sep 2017 [citado 25 Abr 2019]; 8(3): 157-196. Disponible en: http://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/2444-7986/article/view/15655.
Bisdorff AR. Management of vestibular migraine. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2011 May;4(3):183-91.
Brandt T, Bronstein AM. Cervical vertigo. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;71(1):8-12.
Bronstein AM, Hood JD. The cervico-ocular reflex in normal subjects and patients with absent vestibular function. Brain Res. 1986 May 14;373(1-2):399-408.
Cawthorne T. Vestibular Injuries. Proc R Soc Med. 1946 Mar;39(5):270-3.
Cohen AH. Vision rehabilitation for visual-vestibular dysfunction: the role of the neuro-optometrist. NeuroRehabilitation. 2013;32(3):483-92.
Cooksey FS. Rehabilitation in Vestibular Injuries. Proc R Soc Med. 1946 Mar;39(5):273-8.
Cullen KE. The vestibular system: multimodal integration and encoding of self-motion for motor control. Trends Neurosci. 2012 Mar;35(3):185-96.
Deveze A, Bernard-Demanze L, Xavier F, Lavieille JP, Elziere M. Vestibular compensation and vestibular rehabilitation. Current concepts and new trends. Neurophysiol Clin. 2014 Jan;44(1):49-57.
Dozza M, Horak FB, Chiari L. Auditory biofeedback substitutes for loss of sensory information in maintaining stance. Exp Brain Res. 2007 Mar;178(1):37-48.
Dozza M, Wall C 3rd, Peterka RJ, Chiari L, Horak FB. Effects of practicing tandem gait with and without vibrotactile biofeedback in subjects with unilateral vestibular loss. J Vestib Res. 2007;17(4):195-204.
Eleftheriadou A, Skalidi N, Velegrakis GA. Vestibular rehabilitation strategies and factors that affect the outcome. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Nov;269(11):2309-16.
Fetter M, Zee DS, Proctor LR. Effect of lack of vision and of occipital lobectomy upon recovery from unilateral labyrinthectomy in rhesus monkey. J Neurophysiol. 1988 Feb;59(2):394-407.
Gabilan YP, Perracini MR, Munhoz MS, Gananç FF. Aquatic physiotherapy for vestibular rehabilitation in patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction: exploratory prospective study. J Vestib Res. 2008;18(2-3):139-46.
Garcia AP, Ganança MM, Cusin FS, Tomaz A, Ganança FF, Caovilla HH. Vestibular rehabilitation with virtual reality in Ménière’s disease. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 May-Jun;79(3):366-74.
Goudakos JK, Markou KD, Psillas G, Vital V, Tsaligopoulos M. Corticosteroids and vestibular exercises in vestibular neuritis. Single-blind randomized clinical trial. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 May;140(5):434-40.
Hall CD, Herdman SJ, Whitney SL, Cass SP, Clendaniel RA, Fife TD, et al. Vestibular Rehabilitation for Peripheral Vestibular Hypofunction: An Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: FROM THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION NEUROLOGY SECTION. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2016 Apr;40(2):124-55.
Han BI, Song HS, Kim JS. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy: review of indications, mechanisms, and key exercises. J Clin Neurol. 2011 Dec;7(4):184-96.
Herdman S, Whitney S. Physical therapy treatment vestibular hypofunction. En: Herdman S, Clendaniel R. Vestibular Rehabilitation. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co;2014. p.394-431.
Herdman SJ, Blatt P, Schubert MC, Tusa RJ. Falls in patients with vestibular deficits. Am J Otol. 2000 Nov;21(6):847-51.
Herdman SJ, Hall CD, Schubert MC, Das VE, Tusa RJ. Recovery of dynamic visual acuity in bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007 Apr;133(4):383-9.
Herdman SJ, Schubert MC, Tusa RJ. Role of central preprogramming in dynamic visual acuity with vestibular loss. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2001 Oct;127(10):1205-10.
Herdman SJ. Advances in the treatment of vestibular disorders. Phys Ther. 1997 Jun;77(6):602-18.
Herdman SJ. Exercise strategies for vestibular disorders. Ear Nose Throat J. 1989 Dec;68(12):961-4.
Herdman SJ. Role of vestibular adaptation in vestibular rehabilitation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998 Jul;119(1):49-54.
Herdmman S, Clendaniel R. Physical therapy management of bilateral vestibular hypofunction and loss. En: Herdman S, Clendaniel R. Vestibular Rehabilitation. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co;2014. p.432-56.
Heusel-Gillig L, Hall C. Physical therapy management people with non-vestibular dizziness. En: Herdman S, Clendaniel R. Vestibular Rehabilitation. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co;2014. p.569-89.
Hong SK, Kim JH, Kim HJ, Lee HJ. Changes in the gray matter volume during compensation after vestibular neuritis: a longitudinal VBM study. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2014;32(5):663-73.
Horak FB, Nashner LM, Diener HC. Postural strategies associated with somatosensory and vestibular loss. Exp Brain Res. 1990;82(1):167-77.
Keim RJ, Cook M, Martini D. Balance rehabilitation therapy. Laryngoscope. 1992 Nov;102(11):1302-7.
King L, Horak F. The role of vestibular system in postural control. En: Herdman S, Clendaniel R. Vestibular Rehabilitation. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co;2014. p.29-48.
Kramer PD, Roberts DC, Shelhamer M, Zee DS. A versatile stereoscopic visual display system for vestibular and oculomotor research. J Vestib Res. 1998 Sep-Oct;8(5):363-79.
Lisberger SG, Miles FA, Optican LM. Frequency-selective adaptation: evidence for channels in the vestibulo-ocular reflex? J Neurosci. 1983 Jun;3(6):1234-44.
Lundin-Olsson L, Nyberg L, Gustafson Y. “Stops walking when talking” as a predictor of falls in elderly people. Lancet. 1997 Mar 1;349(9052):617.
Macdougall HG, Curthoys IS. Plasticity during Vestibular Compensation: The Role of Saccades. Front Neurol. 2012 Feb 28;3:21.
McDonnell MN, Hillier SL. Vestibular rehabilitation for unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jan 13;1:CD005397.
McGibbon CA, Krebs DE, Wolf SL, Wayne PM, Scarborough DM, Parker SW. Tai Chi and vestibular rehabilitation effects on gaze and whole-body stability. J Vestib Res. 2004;14(6):467-78.
Meldrum D, Herdman S, Moloney R, Murray D, Duffy D, Malone K, et al. BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord. 2012 Mar 26;12:3. doi: 10.1186/1472-6815-12-3.
Meli A, Zimatore G, Badaracco C, De Angelis E, Tufarelli D. Effects of vestibular rehabilitation therapy on emotional aspects in chronic vestibular patients. J Psychosom Res. 2007 Aug;63(2):185-90.
Paige GD. Senescence of human visual-vestibular interactions: smooth pursuit, optokinetic, and vestibular control of eye movements with aging. Exp Brain Res. 1994;98(2):355-72.
Pavlou M, Bronstein AM, Davies RA. Randomized trial of supervised versus unsupervised optokinetic exercise in persons with peripheral vestibular disorders. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2013 Mar-Apr;27(3):208-18.
Pavlou M, Quinn C, Murray K, Spyridakou C, Faldon M, Bronstein AM. The effect of repeated visual motion stimuli on visual dependence and postural control in normal subjects. Gait Posture. 2011 Jan;33(1):113-8.
Pfaltz CR. Vestibular compensation. Physiological and clinical aspects. Acta Otolaryngol. 1983 May-Jun;95(5-6):402-6.
Phillips JO, Ling L, Nie K, Jameyson E, Phillips CM, Nowack AL, et al. Vestibular implantation and longitudinal electrical stimulation of the semicircular canal afferents in human subjects. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Jun 1;113(10):3866-92.
Porciuncula F, Johnson CC, Glickman LB. The effect of vestibular rehabilitation on adults with bilateral vestibular hypofunction: a systematic review. J Vestib Res. 2012;22(5-6):283-98.
Radtke A, von Brevern M, Neuhauser H, Hottenrott T, Lempert T. Vestibular migraine: long-term follow-up of clinical symptoms and vestibulo-cochlear findings. Neurology. 2012 Oct 9;79(15):1607-14.
Schneider KJ, Meeuwisse WH, Nettel-Aguirre A, Barlow K, Boyd L, Kang J, et al. Cervicovestibular rehabilitation in sport-related concussion: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Sep;48(17):1294-8.
Schubert MC, Hall CD, Das V, Tusa RJ, Herdman SJ. Oculomotor strategies and their effect on reducing gaze position error. Otol Neurotol. 2010 Feb;31(2):228-31.
Schubert MC, Migliaccio AA, Clendaniel RA, Allak A, Carey JP. Mechanism of dynamic visual acuity recovery with vestibular rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Mar;89(3):500-7.
Schubert MC, Zee DS. Saccade and vestibular ocular motor adaptation. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2010;28(1):9-18.
Sienko KH, Balkwill MD, Oddsson LI, Wall C 3rd. The effect of vibrotactile feedback on postural sway during locomotor activities. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2013 Aug 9;10:93.
Sparrer I, Duong Dinh TA, Ilgner J, Westhofen M. Vestibular rehabilitation using the Nintendo® Wii Balance Board -- a user-friendly alternative for central nervous compensation. Acta Otolaryngol. 2013 Mar;133(3):239-45.
Stevens JA, Corso PS, Finkelstein EA, Miller TR. The costs of fatal and non-fatal falls among older adults. Inj Prev. 2006 Oct;12(5):290-5.
Sulway S, Whitney SL. Advances in Vestibular Rehabilitation. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. 2019;82:164-169.
Shepard NT, Telian SA. Programmatic vestibular rehabilitation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1995 Jan;112(1):173-82.
Tjernström F, Zur O, Jahn K. Current concepts and future approaches to vestibular rehabilitation. J Neurol. 2016 Apr;263 Suppl 1:S65-70.
Valda-Rodrigo J, Benito-Orejas JI, Alonso-Vielba-Varea J. Revisión sobre el vértigo cervical. Revista ORL [Internet]. 18 Nov 2017 [citado 28 Abr 2019]; 9(2): 97-104. Disponible en: http://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/2444-7986/article/view/17191.
Verdecchia DH, Mendoza M, Sanguineti F, Binetti AC. Outcomes after vestibular rehabilitation and Wii® therapy in patients with chronic unilateral vestibular hypofunction. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2014 Nov-Dec;65(6):339-45.
Viirre E, Sitarz R. Vestibular rehabilitation using visual displays: preliminary study. Laryngoscope. 2002 Mar;112(3):500-3.
Vitkovic J, Winoto A, Rance G, Dowell R, Paine M. Vestibular rehabilitation outcomes in patients with and without vestibular migraine. J Neurol. 2013 Dec;260(12):3039-48.
Wall C 3rd, Wrisley DM, Statler KD. Vibrotactile tilt feedback improves dynamic gait index: a fall risk indicator in older adults. Gait Posture. 2009 Jul;30(1):16-21.
Whitney SL, Alghwiri A, Alghadir A. Physical therapy for persons with vestibular disorders. Curr Opin Neurol. 2015 Feb;28(1):61-8.
Whitney SL, Sparto PJ, Hodges LF, Babu SV, Furman JM, Redfern MS. Responses to a virtual reality grocery store in persons with and without vestibular dysfunction. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2006 Apr;9(2):152-6.
Alsalaheen BA, Whitney SL, Mucha A, Morris LO, Furman JM, Sparto PJ. Exercise prescription patterns in patients treated with vestibular rehabilitation after concussion. Physiother Res Int. 2013 Jun;18(2):100-8.
Balci BD, Akdal G, Yaka E, Angin S. Vestibular rehabilitation in acute central vestibulopathy: a randomized controlled trial. J Vestib Res. 2013;23(4-5):259-67.
Barnes GR. Visual-vestibular interaction in the control of head and eye movement: the role of visual feedback and predictive mechanisms. Prog Neurobiol. 1993 Oct;41(4):435-72.
Bartolomeo M, Biboulet R, Pierre G, Mondain M, Uziel A, Venail F. Value of the video head impulse test in assessing vestibular deficits following vestibular neuritis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Apr;271(4):681-8.
Benito-Orejas J, Poncela-Blanco M, Diez-González L, Álvarez-Otero R, Aguilera-Aguilera G, Intraprendente-Martini J, Racines-Alava E, Martínez R, Marco-Carmona M, Sánchez-Gómez H, Yáñez-González R, González-Aguado R, Franco-Gutiérrez V, Guerra-Jiménez G, Mazón-Gutierrez A, Gancedo S, Pérez R, Santos-Gorjón P, Sánchez-Blanco C, García-Purriños F, Gascón-Rubio C, Salazar F, Bauer M, Valda-Rodrigo J, Mena-Domínguez E, Trinidad-Ruiz G, Batuecas-Caletrío A. Guía práctica del vértigo posicional paroxístico. Revista ORL [Internet]. 1 Sep 2017 [citado 25 Abr 2019]; 8(3): 157-196. Disponible en: http://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/2444-7986/article/view/15655.
Bisdorff AR. Management of vestibular migraine. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2011 May;4(3):183-91.
Brandt T, Bronstein AM. Cervical vertigo. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2001 Jul;71(1):8-12.
Bronstein AM, Hood JD. The cervico-ocular reflex in normal subjects and patients with absent vestibular function. Brain Res. 1986 May 14;373(1-2):399-408.
Cawthorne T. Vestibular Injuries. Proc R Soc Med. 1946 Mar;39(5):270-3.
Cohen AH. Vision rehabilitation for visual-vestibular dysfunction: the role of the neuro-optometrist. NeuroRehabilitation. 2013;32(3):483-92.
Cooksey FS. Rehabilitation in Vestibular Injuries. Proc R Soc Med. 1946 Mar;39(5):273-8.
Cullen KE. The vestibular system: multimodal integration and encoding of self-motion for motor control. Trends Neurosci. 2012 Mar;35(3):185-96.
Deveze A, Bernard-Demanze L, Xavier F, Lavieille JP, Elziere M. Vestibular compensation and vestibular rehabilitation. Current concepts and new trends. Neurophysiol Clin. 2014 Jan;44(1):49-57.
Dozza M, Horak FB, Chiari L. Auditory biofeedback substitutes for loss of sensory information in maintaining stance. Exp Brain Res. 2007 Mar;178(1):37-48.
Dozza M, Wall C 3rd, Peterka RJ, Chiari L, Horak FB. Effects of practicing tandem gait with and without vibrotactile biofeedback in subjects with unilateral vestibular loss. J Vestib Res. 2007;17(4):195-204.
Eleftheriadou A, Skalidi N, Velegrakis GA. Vestibular rehabilitation strategies and factors that affect the outcome. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Nov;269(11):2309-16.
Fetter M, Zee DS, Proctor LR. Effect of lack of vision and of occipital lobectomy upon recovery from unilateral labyrinthectomy in rhesus monkey. J Neurophysiol. 1988 Feb;59(2):394-407.
Gabilan YP, Perracini MR, Munhoz MS, Gananç FF. Aquatic physiotherapy for vestibular rehabilitation in patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction: exploratory prospective study. J Vestib Res. 2008;18(2-3):139-46.
Garcia AP, Ganança MM, Cusin FS, Tomaz A, Ganança FF, Caovilla HH. Vestibular rehabilitation with virtual reality in Ménière’s disease. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 May-Jun;79(3):366-74.
Goudakos JK, Markou KD, Psillas G, Vital V, Tsaligopoulos M. Corticosteroids and vestibular exercises in vestibular neuritis. Single-blind randomized clinical trial. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 May;140(5):434-40.
Hall CD, Herdman SJ, Whitney SL, Cass SP, Clendaniel RA, Fife TD, et al. Vestibular Rehabilitation for Peripheral Vestibular Hypofunction: An Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: FROM THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION NEUROLOGY SECTION. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2016 Apr;40(2):124-55.
Han BI, Song HS, Kim JS. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy: review of indications, mechanisms, and key exercises. J Clin Neurol. 2011 Dec;7(4):184-96.
Herdman S, Whitney S. Physical therapy treatment vestibular hypofunction. En: Herdman S, Clendaniel R. Vestibular Rehabilitation. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co;2014. p.394-431.
Herdman SJ, Blatt P, Schubert MC, Tusa RJ. Falls in patients with vestibular deficits. Am J Otol. 2000 Nov;21(6):847-51.
Herdman SJ, Hall CD, Schubert MC, Das VE, Tusa RJ. Recovery of dynamic visual acuity in bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007 Apr;133(4):383-9.
Herdman SJ, Schubert MC, Tusa RJ. Role of central preprogramming in dynamic visual acuity with vestibular loss. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2001 Oct;127(10):1205-10.
Herdman SJ. Advances in the treatment of vestibular disorders. Phys Ther. 1997 Jun;77(6):602-18.
Herdman SJ. Exercise strategies for vestibular disorders. Ear Nose Throat J. 1989 Dec;68(12):961-4.
Herdman SJ. Role of vestibular adaptation in vestibular rehabilitation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998 Jul;119(1):49-54.
Herdmman S, Clendaniel R. Physical therapy management of bilateral vestibular hypofunction and loss. En: Herdman S, Clendaniel R. Vestibular Rehabilitation. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co;2014. p.432-56.
Heusel-Gillig L, Hall C. Physical therapy management people with non-vestibular dizziness. En: Herdman S, Clendaniel R. Vestibular Rehabilitation. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co;2014. p.569-89.
Hong SK, Kim JH, Kim HJ, Lee HJ. Changes in the gray matter volume during compensation after vestibular neuritis: a longitudinal VBM study. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2014;32(5):663-73.
Horak FB, Nashner LM, Diener HC. Postural strategies associated with somatosensory and vestibular loss. Exp Brain Res. 1990;82(1):167-77.
Keim RJ, Cook M, Martini D. Balance rehabilitation therapy. Laryngoscope. 1992 Nov;102(11):1302-7.
King L, Horak F. The role of vestibular system in postural control. En: Herdman S, Clendaniel R. Vestibular Rehabilitation. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co;2014. p.29-48.
Kramer PD, Roberts DC, Shelhamer M, Zee DS. A versatile stereoscopic visual display system for vestibular and oculomotor research. J Vestib Res. 1998 Sep-Oct;8(5):363-79.
Lisberger SG, Miles FA, Optican LM. Frequency-selective adaptation: evidence for channels in the vestibulo-ocular reflex? J Neurosci. 1983 Jun;3(6):1234-44.
Lundin-Olsson L, Nyberg L, Gustafson Y. “Stops walking when talking” as a predictor of falls in elderly people. Lancet. 1997 Mar 1;349(9052):617.
Macdougall HG, Curthoys IS. Plasticity during Vestibular Compensation: The Role of Saccades. Front Neurol. 2012 Feb 28;3:21.
McDonnell MN, Hillier SL. Vestibular rehabilitation for unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jan 13;1:CD005397.
McGibbon CA, Krebs DE, Wolf SL, Wayne PM, Scarborough DM, Parker SW. Tai Chi and vestibular rehabilitation effects on gaze and whole-body stability. J Vestib Res. 2004;14(6):467-78.
Meldrum D, Herdman S, Moloney R, Murray D, Duffy D, Malone K, et al. BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord. 2012 Mar 26;12:3. doi: 10.1186/1472-6815-12-3.
Meli A, Zimatore G, Badaracco C, De Angelis E, Tufarelli D. Effects of vestibular rehabilitation therapy on emotional aspects in chronic vestibular patients. J Psychosom Res. 2007 Aug;63(2):185-90.
Paige GD. Senescence of human visual-vestibular interactions: smooth pursuit, optokinetic, and vestibular control of eye movements with aging. Exp Brain Res. 1994;98(2):355-72.
Pavlou M, Bronstein AM, Davies RA. Randomized trial of supervised versus unsupervised optokinetic exercise in persons with peripheral vestibular disorders. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2013 Mar-Apr;27(3):208-18.
Pavlou M, Quinn C, Murray K, Spyridakou C, Faldon M, Bronstein AM. The effect of repeated visual motion stimuli on visual dependence and postural control in normal subjects. Gait Posture. 2011 Jan;33(1):113-8.
Pfaltz CR. Vestibular compensation. Physiological and clinical aspects. Acta Otolaryngol. 1983 May-Jun;95(5-6):402-6.
Phillips JO, Ling L, Nie K, Jameyson E, Phillips CM, Nowack AL, et al. Vestibular implantation and longitudinal electrical stimulation of the semicircular canal afferents in human subjects. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Jun 1;113(10):3866-92.
Porciuncula F, Johnson CC, Glickman LB. The effect of vestibular rehabilitation on adults with bilateral vestibular hypofunction: a systematic review. J Vestib Res. 2012;22(5-6):283-98.
Radtke A, von Brevern M, Neuhauser H, Hottenrott T, Lempert T. Vestibular migraine: long-term follow-up of clinical symptoms and vestibulo-cochlear findings. Neurology. 2012 Oct 9;79(15):1607-14.
Schneider KJ, Meeuwisse WH, Nettel-Aguirre A, Barlow K, Boyd L, Kang J, et al. Cervicovestibular rehabilitation in sport-related concussion: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Sep;48(17):1294-8.
Schubert MC, Hall CD, Das V, Tusa RJ, Herdman SJ. Oculomotor strategies and their effect on reducing gaze position error. Otol Neurotol. 2010 Feb;31(2):228-31.
Schubert MC, Migliaccio AA, Clendaniel RA, Allak A, Carey JP. Mechanism of dynamic visual acuity recovery with vestibular rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Mar;89(3):500-7.
Schubert MC, Zee DS. Saccade and vestibular ocular motor adaptation. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2010;28(1):9-18.
Sienko KH, Balkwill MD, Oddsson LI, Wall C 3rd. The effect of vibrotactile feedback on postural sway during locomotor activities. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2013 Aug 9;10:93.
Sparrer I, Duong Dinh TA, Ilgner J, Westhofen M. Vestibular rehabilitation using the Nintendo® Wii Balance Board -- a user-friendly alternative for central nervous compensation. Acta Otolaryngol. 2013 Mar;133(3):239-45.
Stevens JA, Corso PS, Finkelstein EA, Miller TR. The costs of fatal and non-fatal falls among older adults. Inj Prev. 2006 Oct;12(5):290-5.
Sulway S, Whitney SL. Advances in Vestibular Rehabilitation. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. 2019;82:164-169.
Shepard NT, Telian SA. Programmatic vestibular rehabilitation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1995 Jan;112(1):173-82.
Tjernström F, Zur O, Jahn K. Current concepts and future approaches to vestibular rehabilitation. J Neurol. 2016 Apr;263 Suppl 1:S65-70.
Valda-Rodrigo J, Benito-Orejas JI, Alonso-Vielba-Varea J. Revisión sobre el vértigo cervical. Revista ORL [Internet]. 18 Nov 2017 [citado 28 Abr 2019]; 9(2): 97-104. Disponible en: http://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/2444-7986/article/view/17191.
Verdecchia DH, Mendoza M, Sanguineti F, Binetti AC. Outcomes after vestibular rehabilitation and Wii® therapy in patients with chronic unilateral vestibular hypofunction. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2014 Nov-Dec;65(6):339-45.
Viirre E, Sitarz R. Vestibular rehabilitation using visual displays: preliminary study. Laryngoscope. 2002 Mar;112(3):500-3.
Vitkovic J, Winoto A, Rance G, Dowell R, Paine M. Vestibular rehabilitation outcomes in patients with and without vestibular migraine. J Neurol. 2013 Dec;260(12):3039-48.
Wall C 3rd, Wrisley DM, Statler KD. Vibrotactile tilt feedback improves dynamic gait index: a fall risk indicator in older adults. Gait Posture. 2009 Jul;30(1):16-21.
Whitney SL, Alghwiri A, Alghadir A. Physical therapy for persons with vestibular disorders. Curr Opin Neurol. 2015 Feb;28(1):61-8.
Whitney SL, Sparto PJ, Hodges LF, Babu SV, Furman JM, Redfern MS. Responses to a virtual reality grocery store in persons with and without vestibular dysfunction. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2006 Apr;9(2):152-6.
Benito-Orejas, J. I., Aylagas-Andrés, M. J., Martín-Moratinos, C., Gallardo-Chaparro, I., Pérez-Hickman, L., Aladro-Abad, V., Plaza-García, N., López-Franco, J. M., Díez-Rabadán, B., García-Franco, C., Seco-Rodríguez, L., Paniagua-Serrano, F., Bustelo-Sanz, M. E., Jiménez-García, M. T., Alonso-Tobalina, D., García-Somoza, S. T., Gómez-Tejero, A. I., Alonso-Rodríguez, I., Collazos-Villafáfila, M. J., García-Martínez, I., Baz-Herrero, M. T., Martín-Gutiérrez, L. A., Martín-Tuda, C., De La Cal-Gómez, I. F., & Sánchez-Martínez, A. (2019). Terapia física en la hipofunción vestibular unilateral y bilateral. Revista ORL, 11(1), 51–65. https://doi.org/10.14201/orl.21022
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